Delph SC Sailing Instructions for Closed Club Events 2021-24
SAILING INSTRUCTIONS 2021-24 (December 2022)
Instructions that apply to all closed events racing
1.1 The series will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
1.2 The prescriptions of the Royal Yachting Association and the measurement rules of the relevant class will apply.
1.3 Competitors should note that Delph Sailing Club implements the RYA Racing Charter and that they will be required to sail in compliance with the Charter, which can be found at the front of the RYA rule book (Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-24).
2.1 Only boats with PY between 940 and 1500 and being registered with the club will be eligible to race. Registration can be completed with the membership secretary with details for berthing and insurance details.
2.2 The Sailing Committee will designate craft into “Fleets”. Where craft do not fall into a “Fleet” of similar craft they will be designated into Fast Handicap Fleet (CN940 – 1095), Medium Handicap (CN 1096 – 1189) or Slow Handicap Fleet (CN1190 – 1500).
Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board(s) located in the Clubhouse.
Any change to the sailing instructions will be posted 30 minutes before the start of the first race on the day it will take effect on the official notice board(s) located in the Clubhouse and the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre.
Signals made ashore will be displayed at the Race Control Centre.
6 Format of Racing (see event specific Appendices)
7 Schedule of Races (see event specific Appendices)
8 Class Flags (see event specific Appendices)
9.1 The course will be displayed on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre at least 10 minutes before the warning signal of the first start of the race to which it applies.
9.2 The marks to be rounded, the order of rounding, the direction of rounding and the number of rounds to be sailed will be displayed on the Race Information Board.
If there is only one number displayed for the number of rounds, this will apply to all boats. If the Race Information Boards shows different numbers for the number of rounds to be sailed, the lower number will apply to boats of the Slow Handicap Fleets (CN1190-1500) being the last Flight or Flight 5, and the higher number will apply to boats of all other fleets including the Fast Handicap Fleet (CN940-1115), ICLA Fleet (which includes all ICLA boats) and Medium Handicap (CN1096 – 1189). If a Novice start is being run this will always be 1 lap only.
9.3 The course may be indicated graphically below the Race Information Board and may be displayed on coloured boards on the front of the Race Control Centre. In the event that the graphical display or coloured boards conflict with the written course on the Race Information Board, the written course will prevail.
9.4 When a change is required to the displayed course, the start of the race will be postponed by hoisting the answering pennant and making 2 sound signals and displaying a white light. The new course will be displayed on the Race Committee Boat or the Race Control Centre if that is the starting mark. In the event of a change of course, the requirement to display the course for 10 minutes prior to the warning signal in instruction 9.1 is changed to 5 minutes.
In addition, the Notice to Competitors pennant will be displayed and 1 sound signal will be given on the Race Committee Boat. Competitors will approach the Race Committee boat for instructions. The end of postponement will be indicated by lowering of the answering pennant and 1 long sound signal and switching off white light.
10.1 Addendum A shows the approximate location of the marks.
10.2 The racing marks A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are yellow spherical marks located around the edge of the reservoir. Racing mark Q is a blue cylindrical mark located in the centre of the reservoir. Racing marks X and Y are white spherical marks; X is a moveable mark positioned along the eastern edge of the reservoir and Y is a moveable mark positioned along the north-western edge of the reservoir. For Windward / Leeward or Olympic courses other buoys will be used to indicate the gates, and these will be communicated to competitors on the day by the OD.
10.3 The starting marks will be the Race Committee Boat at the starboard end and white mark displaying a white flag at the port end. Occasionally, the starting marks may be the red and white pole on the Race Control Centre at one end of the line and one of the racing marks at the other end of the line. The starting marks will be displayed on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre at least 10 minutes before the warning signal of the first start of the race to which it applies.
10.4 The finishing marks will be one of the racing marks at one end of the line and either the red and white pole on the Race Control Centre or the Race Committee Boat at the other end of the line. The finishing marks will be displayed on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre at least 10 minutes before the warning signal of the first start of the race to which it applies.
The following areas are designated as obstructions:
∙ the area behind the island at the north end of the reservoir adjacent to Delph Brook.
∙ areas within 25 feet of the shore, other than the launching area of shoreline in front of the clubhouse and Race Control Centre.
12.1 The helm of a dinghy must declare his/her intention to sail particular races by completing the signing on sheet on the Race Notice Board located in the Race Control Centre.
12.2 Unless recorded on the signing on sheet a dinghy not sailing with its own sail number will be disregarded.
12.3 Where a particular class of dinghy has various rig options, the rig being used must be declared when signing on for racing. The choice of rig should conform to the rules of the appropriate class association.
12.4 Lasers/ILCAs will be scored using their rig specific PY. They may switch between rigs, however all races in the series will be scored using the lowest (fastest) PY of the rigs used by a sailor in the series. Sailors must notify the Race Officer if they switch to a rig with a lower PY (e.g. from a Radial to a Full rig).
13.1 Starting Signals (see event specific Appendices)
13.2 Fleets designation for flight starts (see event specific Appendices)
13.3 Boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area.
14.1 When at a boat’s starting signal any part of her hull, crew or equipment is on the course side of the starting line, the race committee shall promptly signal an individual recall by displaying flag X or a fixed white light on the Race Committee Boat or the Race Control Centre if that is a starting mark, with one sound signal. The visual signal shall be displayed until all such boats are completely on the pre-start side of the starting line or its extensions, but not later than two minutes after the starting signal or thirty seconds before any later starting signal, whichever is earlier. This changes RRS 29.1.
14.2 Arrangements for Single Recall and General Recall differ depending upon the number of starts in the sequence (see event specific Appendices)
15.1 To change the next leg of the course, the race committee will move the original mark (or the finishing line) to a new position.
15.2 Boats shall pass between the Race Committee Boat signalling the change of the next leg and the nearby mark. This changes RRS 28.1.
16.1 The finishing line will be between the finishing marks indicated on the Race Information Board.
16.2 For single or multi-flight starts, if a boat from a particular flight has been lapped by the leading boat in their flight, and that boat has been given a finish signal, then they should complete the round they are on and pass through the finish at the first opportunity, otherwise SI 19 will be applied.
Lapped boats in Handicap racing and finishing (see event specific Appendices).
Pursuit Race finishing (see event specific Appendices)
17.1 A race may be shortened before the designated rounds have been complete, giving a finish at the original designated finish or between a Committee Boat and any mark.
17.2 If the finishing line displayed on the Race Information Board is between the Race Control Centre and a mark of the course or another fixed mark such as Q, the course will be shortened by displaying Flag ‘S’ at the Race Control Centre with two sound signals as the leading dinghy (on the water) rounds the last mark of a round. All dinghies will then complete the round they are sailing and proceed to the designated finish, unless they are covered by 16.2. This changes RRS 32.2
17.3 If the designated finish line is between the Race Committee boat and a mark of the course, the course will be shortened according to RRS 32.2 with the principles of 16.2 applying.
17.4 If Flag ‘S’ is used with the class flag(s), the signal applies only to the indicated fleet(s). (This would normally only be used in exceptional instances in Club Racing)
RRS 44.3 will not apply.
19.1 If no boat has passed Mark 1 within the Mark 1 time limit of 20 minutes after her start the race will be abandoned.
19.2 A boat failing to finish within 30 minutes after the first boat in her fleet sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish. This changes RRS A4 and A5. The application of the Expired Time Limit will be signalled, for a single flight by display of Flag T with three sound signals or for a particular flight Flag T plus Flight Flag with three sound signals.
20.1 Protest forms are available at the Race Control Centre. Protests and requests for redress or reopening shall be delivered there within the appropriate time limit.
20.2 The protest time limit is 30 minutes after the last boat has finished the last race of the day. A boat intending to protest shall inform the Race Officer as soon as possible after the protesting dinghy finishes that race.
20.3 Notices will be posted within 30 minutes of the protest time limit to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses Hearings will be held in the Race Control Centre or other notified venue as soon as possible after the notice is posted.
21.1 The Low Point scoring system of Appendix A will apply.
21.2 Scores in each series will be awarded to the helmsperson.
21.3 A helmsperson sailing in a Handicap fleet will only receive results for races sailed in the class of dinghy used in his/her first race of the series. Scores received in another class of dinghy will not be counted in establishing the scores of other entries in the series.
21.4 Number of Races to Count (see event specific Appendices)
21.5 A helmsperson’s second and subsequent disqualification under RRS 42 shall not be excluded. The next-worse score shall be excluded instead. This changes RRS 90.3(b).
21.6 If there are no starters in a flight (see event specific Appendices)
21.7 A helmsperson that did not start, did not finish, retired after finishing or was disqualified shall be scored points according to the following:
(a) a helmsperson who came to the starting area but did not start (DNS), did not finish (DNF) or retired (RET) after finishing shall be scored points equal to the number of boats coming to the starting area of that race plus one.
(b) a helmsperson who signed on in accordance with instruction 12 and, in the opinion of the OOD, with the intention of sailing, but which did not come to the starting area (DNC – did not compete) shall be scored points equal to the number of boats signed on with the intention of sailing in that race plus one. If two or more helmspersons sign on to use the same boat in the same race but neither come to the starting area, the score shall be allocated to the first helmsperson to sign on (as judged by being higher up the sign on sheet).
(c) a helmsperson who did not sign on in accordance with instruction 12 shall be scored points equal to the declared entry for the series.
(d) a helmsperson who is disqualified shall be scored points equal to the number of boats coming to the starting area of that race plus 3.
This changes RRS A4, A5 and A9.
21.8 Declared Entry for a Series (see event specific Appendices)
21.9 How Lasers / ICLAs with different rigs are dealt with (see event specific Appendices) 21.10 Discretionary scores (see event specific Appendices)
22.1 No more than 50 boats will be permitted to race at the same time. In the event of more than 50 boats being signed on to sail in a race, the first 50 to sign on (as judged by being higher up on the sign on sheet) will be permitted to race.
22.2 Competitors shall wear adequate personal flotation devices at all times while afloat or on the pontoons. Wet suits and dry suits are not adequate for personal buoyancy. This changes RRS 40.
22.3 Club officials have the right to refuse to allow afloat a dinghy, which has inadequate or inadequately secured buoyancy.
22.4 Board Sailors shall wear a ‘wet suit’ or a ‘dry suit’ in addition to a personal flotation device of an approved type at all times when on the water.
22.4 All Sailors shall wear a ‘wet suit’ or a ‘dry suit’ in addition to a personal flotation device of an approved type at all times when on the water after the end of October due to water temperature.
In the event of extreme weather conditions (wind speed too high or too low) the decision to race will be made by a Race committee under the chair of the PRO (or his deputy). The committee will consist of the Race Officer, the PRO, the Results Sec and the Sailing Captain (or their deputies) as available.
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability (through negligence or otherwise) for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the series.
Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of £5,000,000 per event or the equivalent.
Appendix 1
Sailing Instructions specific to Early Points, Summer Points and Autumn Points Series
(a) The Early points is a series of fleet races for the Laser/ILCA fleet, the Fast Handicap fleet, Medium Handicap fleet and the Slow Handicap fleet. For the purposes of scoring, the races for each fleet will constitute separate series and results for Classes will be extracted and calculated for fleet results.
(b) The Summer points is a series of fleet races for the Laser/ILCA fleet, the Fast Handicap fleet, Medium Handicap fleet and the Slow Handicap fleet. For the purposes of scoring, the races for each fleet will constitute separate series and results for Classes will be extracted and calculated for fleet results.
(c) The Autumn points is a series of fleet races for the Laser/ILCA fleet, the Fast Handicap fleet, Medium Handicap fleet and the Slow Handicap fleet. For the purposes of scoring, the races for each fleet will constitute separate series and results for Classes will be extracted and calculated for fleet results.
7.1 The Schedule of Races will be published in the club calendar.
7.2 (a) The scheduled time of the first start for the first race each day is 13:00
7.3 The time of the second race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the first race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre. The time of the third race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the second race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre.
Class flags will be:
Fast Handicap Fleet | Pennant | 8 | |
ICLA / Laser Fleet | Pennant | 7 | |
Single Hander Fleet | Pennant | 6 | |
Miracle Fleet | Pennant | 5 | |
Slow Handicap Fleet | Pennant | 4 |
13.1 Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded. This changes rule 26.
Time from Flight 1 starting signal | Signal on Race Control Centre | ||
Course displayed | At least 10 minutes | Intermittent sound signal | |
Prepare to race | -5 minutes | 5 sound signals | |
Warning Signal for Flight 1 | -4 minutes | Red light + 1 sound signal | |
Preparatory Signal for Flight 1 Warning Signal for Flight 2 | -2 minutes | Red light + Yellow light + 1 sound signal | |
Start for Flight 1
Preparatory Signal for Flight 2 Warning Signal for Flight 3 |
0 | Green light + 1 sound signal | Fast Handicap Fleet |
Start for Flight 2
Preparatory Signal for Flight 3 Warning Signal for Flight 4 |
2 minutes | Red light + Green light + 1 sound signal | ICLA / Laser Fleet |
Start for Flight 3
Preparatory Signal for Flight 4 Warning Signal for Flight 5 |
4 minutes | Yellow light + Green light + 1 sound signal | Single Hander Fleet |
Start for Flight 4
Preparatory Signal for Flight 5 |
6 minutes | Red light + Yellow light + Green light + 1 sound signal | Miracle Fleet and Slow Handicap Fleet |
Start for Flight 5 | 8 minutes | Red light + l sound signal | Novices |
13.2 The fleets will start in the following flights:
Flight 1 – Fast Handicap Fleet
Flight 2 – ICLA / Laser Fleet
Flight 3 – Medium Handicap Fleet
Flight 4 – Slow Handicap Fleet
Flight 5 – Novices
When no dinghy in a fleet is present, the sequence of starting signals will remain unaltered. When only one dinghy is competing in a fleet, she shall rank as a starter in that fleet, and her result shall count in that fleet.
14.2 When at the starting signal the race committee is unable to identify boats that are on the course side of the starting line or to which rule 30 applies, or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the race committee may signal a general recall by displaying flag 1st Sub or two fixed white lights on the Race Committee Boat or the Race Control Centre if that is a starting mark, with two sound signals. Following a general recall, the recalled flight will start 2 minutes after the start of the last flight, or 2 minutes after the start of an earlier recalled flight. In the event of a general recall on the last scheduled start, the recalled flight will start 4 minutes after the recalled start. In this case there may be a preparatory sound signal 2 minutes prior to the new start. This changes RRS 29.2.
16.2 Not Used.
21.4 (a) When fewer than 3 races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores.
(b) When 3 or more races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores excluding the worst scores equivalent to 50% -1 of the races in the series.
21.6 When no starters are present for a fleet, the number of races in the series for that fleet will remain the same as the number of races in the series for the other fleets; only races that are abandoned or cancelled will reduce the number of races completed in the series.
21.8 The declared entry for each fleet in a series will be the number of boats in that fleet coming to the starting area of the race taking place during the first ¾ of races scheduled to take place in the series and which had the most boats come to the starting area, plus one.
21.9 All ICLA / Laser dinghies will sail as part of the laser fleet regardless of rig used (4.7 / ICLA 4, radial / ICLA 6 or standard / ICLA 7). Results in each race will be calculated on handicap using the lowest CN (fastest) for the rig used in that series. ICLA / Laser competitors sailing with a rig different to the rig declared on the sign on sheet, without notifying the Race Officer, will be disqualified. Sailors can swap between rigs during a series but results will be calculated on the lowest handicap value.
21.10 The Sailing Committee may, at its discretion, award points to a helmsperson for a race in which the helmsperson did not compete. Circumstances which would give rise to such an award include representing the Club at an external event, a sailing captain standing in for a Race Officer who is not available, etc. The points so awarded shall be the median score, upon completion of the series, of the races in which the helmsperson had been classed as a starter. The award of these points shall not alter the scores of a helmsperson who took part in such a race.
Appendix 2
Instructions specific to Wednesday Evening Handicap A, Wednesday Evening Handicap C, and Frostbite Series
(a) The Wednesday Evening A Series is a series of handicap races for boats with CN 940-1500. (b) The Wednesday Evening C Series is a series of handicap races for boats with CN 940-1500. (c) The Frostbite Series is a series of handicap races for boats with CN 940-1500.
(d) Novices Series is a series of handicap races for boats with CN 940-1500.
7.1 The Schedule of Races will be as published in the club calendar.
7.2 (a) For the Wednesday Evening A Series the scheduled time of the first start for the first race each day is 19:00.
(b) For the Wednesday Evening C Series the scheduled time of the first start for the first race each day is 19:00.
(c) For the Frostbite Series the scheduled time of the first start for the first race each day is 13:00.
7.3 For the Wednesday Evening A, Wednesday Evening C and Frostbite series, the time of the second race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the first race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre.
The class flag for the Handicap fleet will be flag F .
13.1 Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.
Time from | Signal on Race Control Centre |
starting signal | ||
Course displayed | At least 10 minutes | Intermittent sound signal |
Prepare to race | -5 minutes | 5 sound signals |
Warning Signal | -4 minutes | Red light + 1 sound signal |
Preparatory Signal | -2 minutes | Red light + Yellow light + 1 sound signal |
Start for Flight 1 | 0 | Green light + 1 sound signal |
Start for Flight 2 if required | +2 minutes | Red light + Green light + 1 sound signal |
This changes rule 26.
13.2 If, in the opinion of the Race Officer, it will be difficult to set a fair start line for the number of boats signed on the fleet may be separated into 2 flights. This decision will be entirely at the discretion of the Race Officer and will be communicated to competitors via a notice on the Race Information Board. If 2 flights are required, the fleet will be split as follows:
Flight 1 – Boats with CN 940-1115
Flight 2 – Boats with CN 1116-1500
13.4 Not Used
14.2 When at the starting signal the race committee is unable to identify boats that are on the course side of the starting line or to which rule 30 applies, or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the race committee may signal a general recall by displaying flag 1st Sub or two fixed white lights on the Race Committee Boat or the Race Control Centre if that is a starting mark, with two sound signals. Following a general recall for a flight, the recalled flight will start 2 minutes after the start of the last flight, or 2 minutes after the start of an earlier recalled flight. In the event of a general recall when the fleet has not been separated into flights under instruction 13.2 or on the last start for separate flight starts, the recalled flight will start 4 minutes after the recalled start. In this case there may be a preparatory sound signal 2 minutes prior to the new start.
16.2 (a) A dinghy which has been lapped during the race shall proceed to, and cross, the finish line as soon as the leading dinghy has finished. (A dinghy between the mark at which the Shorten Course Signal has been made for the Leading Boat and the Finish, may wait for the leading boat to finish and then finish as a Lapped boat). In so doing the lapped dinghy shall pass each mark of the course in the order shown on the course board. The elapsed time of such dinghies will be adjusted by a factor of [(laps required to be sailed + 0.25) divided by (laps actually sailed + 0.25)].
(b) If the elapsed time so adjusted results in a lapped boat having a better corrected time than another boat with the same CN who was ahead of her on the water, the lapped boat’s time shall be adjusted by adding the [(elapsed time of the last boat in her class ahead on the water) divided by (laps sailed by the boat ahead + 0.25)] to the elapsed time of the lapped boat.
21.4 (a) When fewer than 2 races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores.
(b) When 2 or more races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score for the CN series will be the total of his/her race scores excluding the worst scores equivalent to 50% -1 of the races in the series. If the series comprises an odd number of races, the number of excluded scores will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
(c) When 2 or more races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score for the PH series will be the total of his/her race scores excluding the worst scores equivalent to 50% -1 of the races in the series.
21.6 All ICLA / Laser dinghies will sail as part of the laser fleet regardless of rig used (4.7 / ICLA 4, radial / ICLA 6 or standard / ICLA 7). Results in each race will be calculated on handicap using the lowest CN (fastest) for the rig used in that series. ICLA / Laser competitors sailing with a rig different to the rig declared on the sign on sheet, without notifying the Race Officer, will be disqualified. Sailors can swap between rigs during a series but results will be calculated on the lowest handicap value.
21.8 The declared entry for a series will be 51.
21.9 Not Used.
21.10 The Sailing Committee may, at its discretion, award points to a helmsperson for a race in which the helmsperson did not compete. Circumstances which would give rise to such an award include representing the Club at an external event, a sailing captain standing in for a Race Officer who is not available, etc. The points so awarded shall be the median score, upon completion of the series, of the races in which the helmsperson had been classed as a starter. The award of these points shall not alter the scores of a helmsperson who took part in such a race.
Appendix 3
Sailing Instructions specific to Monthly Handicaps and RNLI Handicap
Each monthly handicap event is a single series of handicap races for boats with CN 940-1500. 7 SCHEDULE OF RACES
7.1 The Monthly Handicap and RNLI Handicap events will take place on the dates published in the club calendar.
7.2 For the RNLI Handicap the scheduled time of the first start for the first race is 11:00 and for all Monthly Handicap Events the scheduled time of the first start for the first race is 13:00.
7.3 The time of the second race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the first race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre. The time of the third race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the second race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre.
The class flag for the Handicap fleet will be flag F .
13.1 Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.
Time from
starting signal |
Signal on Race Control Centre | |
Course displayed | At least 10 minutes | Intermittent sound signal |
Prepare to race | -5 minutes | 5 sound signals |
Warning Signal | -4 minutes | Red light + 1 sound signal |
Preparatory Signal | -2 minutes | Red light + Yellow light + 1 sound signal |
Start | 0 | Green light + 1 sound signal |
Start for Flight 2 if required | +2 minutes | Red light + Green light + 1 sound signal |
This changes rule 26.
13.2 If, in the opinion of the Race Officer, it will be difficult to set a fair startline for the number of boats signed on the fleet may be separated into 2 flights. This decision will be entirely at the discretion of the Race Officer and will be communicated to competitors via a notice on the Race Information Board. If 2 flights are required, the fleet will be split as follows:
Flight 1 – Boats with CN 940-1115
Flight 2 – Boats with CN 1116-1500
13.4 Not Used
14.2 When at the starting signal the race committee is unable to identify boats that are on the course side of the starting line or to which rule 30 applies, or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the race committee may signal a general recall by displaying flag 1st Sub or two fixed white lights on the Race Committee Boat or the Race Control Centre if that is a starting mark, with two sound signals. Following a general recall for a flight, the recalled flight will start 2 minutes after the start of the last flight, or 2 minutes after the start of an earlier recalled flight. In the event of a general recall when the fleet has not been separated into flights under instruction 13.2 or on the last start for separate flight starts, the recalled flight will start 4 minutes after the recalled start. In this case there may be a preparatory sound signal 2 minutes prior to the new start.
16.2 (a) A dinghy which has been lapped during the race shall proceed to, and cross, the finish line as soon as the leading dinghy has finished. (A dinghy between the mark at which the Shorten Course Signal has been made for the Leading boat and the Finish, may wait for the leading boat to finish and then finish as a Lapped boat). In so doing the lapped dinghy shall pass each mark of the course in the order shown on the course board. The elapsed time of such dinghies will be adjusted by a factor of [(laps required to be sailed + 0.25) divided by (laps actually sailed + 0.25)].
(b) If the elapsed time so adjusted results in a lapped boat having a better corrected time than another boat with the same CN who was ahead of her on the water, the lapped boat’s time shall be adjusted by adding the [(elapsed time of the last boat in her class ahead on the water) divided by (laps sailed by the boat ahead + 0.25)] to the elapsed time of the lapped boat.
21.4 (a) When fewer than 3 races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores.
(b) When 3 or more races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores excluding the worst score.
21.6 Not Used.
21.8 – 21.10 Not Used
Appendix 4
Sailing Instructions specific to Sunday and Wednesday Evening B Pursuit races
A Pursuit Series is a series of pursuit races for boats with CN 940-1500.
7.1 The Schedule of Races will be published in the club calendar.
7.2 The scheduled time of the first start on Sundays is 13:00 or Wednesdays is 19.00
7.3 Not Used
Class flags will not be used in pursuit racing
9.2 The marks to be rounded, the order of rounding and the time from the first start to the finish of the race will be displayed on the Race Information Board.
13.1 Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.
Time from starting signal | Signal on Race Control Centre or Race Committee Boat | |
Course displayed | At least 10 minutes | Intermittent sound signal (RCC) |
Prepare to race | -5 minutes | 5 sound signals (RCC) |
Warning Signal | -4 minutes | Red light + 1 sound signal (RCC) |
Preparatory Signal | -2 minutes | Red light + Yellow light + 1 sound signal (RCC) |
First Start | 0 | Green light + 1 sound signal (RCC) |
Subsequent Start | Interval as displayed on Race Information Board | 1 sound signal (RCB) |
This changes rule 26.
13.2 The starting time for each class of boat signed on to race in accordance with instruction 12 shall be displayed on the Race Information Board. The start times will be displayed as the interval between the first start and the particular start. These will have been calculated using Club Number Handicaps applied to the designated race time, with start times rounded to the nearest 15 seconds.
14.2 Not Used.
16.2 (i) The time from the first start to the race finish time will be displayed on the Race Information Board.
(ii) One minute before the Finish Time a long sound signal will be made from the RCC.
(iii) The finishing line will be set up as near as practical on, and at right angles to, a rhumb line between the marks bounding the leg on which the leading boat is sailing. It will be set up just ahead of the leading boat as near as is practical to the finish time. The leading boats should sail to pass through this Committee Boat line.
(iv) When the race time has elapsed, a second long sound signal will be made at the Race Control Centre. The Race Team on the Committee Boat will record the positions of the leading boats at the time of the Finish Signal (even if the leading boat has already passed through the Committee Boat Line. After this second sound signal, all competitors shall continue to sail the course, without overtaking other competitors, and pass through the finish line set by the Committee Boat to enable to Race Committee to record finishing positions.
(v) During the finishing period, at the discretion of the Race Committee, the finish line may be moved back down the course in order to facilitate the recording of finish positions.
(vi) When the finishing positions of all boats have been recorded, 2 sound signals will be made from the RCC. At this time sailors are free to return to shore. Sailors returning to shore before this signal risk the non recording of their position.
(vii) Boats not complying with 16.2(iv) will be recorded as DNF.
17.4 Not Used
21.4 (a) When fewer than 3 races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores.
(b) When 3 or more races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores excluding the worst scores equivalent to (½+1) of the races in the series, rounded down to the nearest whole number.
21.6 Not Used
21.8 The declared entry for a series will be 51.
21.9 Not Used
21.10 The Sailing Committee may, at its discretion, award points to a helmsperson for a race in which the helmsperson did not compete. Circumstances which would give rise to such an award include representing the Club at an external event, a sailing captain standing in for a Race Officer who is not available, etc. The points so awarded shall be the median score, upon completion of the series, of the races in which the helmsperson had been classed as a starter. The award of these points shall not alter the scores of a helmsperson who took part in such a race.
Appendix 5
Sailing Instructions specific to John Leather Memorial Handicap
The John Leather Memorial handicap event is a series of handicap races for double-handed boats with CN 940-1500 and single-handed boats with CN 940-1500. For the purposes of scoring, results of the double-handed fleet and single-handed fleet will be combined into a single overall result with a prize available for the first placed boat overall and the first placed double-handed boat in the combined series results.
7.1 The John Leather Memorial Handicap will take place on the date published in the club calendar.
7.2 The scheduled time of the first start for the first race is 13:00.
7.3 The time of the second race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the first race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre. The time of the third race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the second race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre.
The class flag for the double-handed fleet will be numeral pennant 2 . The class flag for the single-handed fleet will be numeral pennant 1 .
13.1 Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.
Time from starting signal | Signal on Race Control Centre | |
Course displayed | At least 10 minutes | Intermittent sound signal |
Prepare to race | -5 minutes | 5 sound signals |
Warning Signal | -4 minutes | Red light + 1 sound signal |
Preparatory Signal | -2 minutes | Red light + Yellow light + 1 sound signal |
Start for Flight 1 | 0 | Green light + 1 sound signal |
Start for Flight 2 | +2 minutes | Red light + Green light + 1 sound signal |
This changes rule 26.
13.2 Flight 1 – Double-handed boats
Flight 2 – Single-handed boats
14.2 When at the starting signal the race committee is unable to identify boats that are on the course side of the starting line or to which rule 30 applies, or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the race committee may signal a general recall by displaying flag 1st Sub or two fixed white lights on the Race Committee Boat or the Race Control Centre if that is a starting mark, with two sound signals. Following a general recall for a flight, the recalled flight will start 2 minutes after the start of the last flight, or 2 minutes after the start of an earlier recalled flight. In the event of a general recall when the fleet has not been separated into flights under instruction 13.2 or on the last start for separate flight starts, the recalled flight will start 4 minutes after the recalled start. In this case there may be a preparatory sound signal 2 minutes prior to the new start.
16.2 (a) A dinghy which has been lapped during the race shall proceed to, and cross, the finish line as soon as the leading dinghy has finished. (A dinghy between the mark at which the Shorten Course Signal has been for the Leading boat and the Finish, may wait for the leading boat to finish and then finish as a Lapped boat). In so doing the lapped dinghy shall pass each mark of the course in the order shown on the course board. The elapsed time of such dinghies will be adjusted by a factor of [(laps required to be sailed + 0.25) divided by (laps actually sailed + 0.25)].
(b) If the elapsed time so adjusted results in a lapped boat having a better corrected time than another boat with the same CN who was ahead of her on the water, the lapped boat’s time shall be adjusted by adding the [(elapsed time of the last boat in her class ahead on the water) divided by (laps sailed by the boat ahead + 0.25)] to the elapsed time of the lapped boat.
21.4 (a) When fewer than 3 races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores.
(b) When 3 or more races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores excluding the worst score.
21.6 Not Used.
21.8 – 21.10 Not Used
Appendix 6
Sailing Instructions specific to Plum Duff
The Plum Duff event is a single series of pursuit races for boats with CN 940-1500.
7.1 The Plum Duff will take place on the date published in the club calendar.
7.2 The scheduled time of the first start for the first race is 11:00.
7.3 The time of the second race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the first race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre. The time of the third race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the second race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre.
Class flags will not be used in pursuit racing.
13.1 Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.
Time from starting
signal |
Signal on Race Control Centre or Race Committee Boat | |
Course displayed | At least 10 minutes | Intermittent sound signal (RCC) |
Prepare to race | -5 minutes | 5 sound signals (RCC) |
Warning Signal | -4 minutes | Red light + 1 sound signal (RCC) |
Preparatory Signal | -2 minutes | Red light + Yellow light + 1 sound signal (RCC) |
First Start | 0 | Green light + 1 sound signal (RCC) |
Subsequent Start | Interval as displayed on Race Information Board | 1 sound signal (RCC) |
This changes rule 26.
13.2 The starting time for each class of boat signed on to race in accordance with instruction 12 shall be displayed on the Race Information Board. The start times will be displayed as the interval between the first start and the particular start.
14.2 Not Used.
16.2 (i) The time from the first start to the race finish time will be displayed on the Race Information Board.
(ii) One minute before the Finish Time a long sound signal will be made from the RCC.
(iii) The finishing line will be set up as near as practical on, and at right angles to, a rhumb line between the marks bounding the leg on which the leading boat is sailing. It will be set up just ahead of the leading boat as near as is practical to the finish time. The leading boats should sail to pass through this Committee Boat line.
(iv) When the race time has elapsed, a second long sound signal will be made at the Race Control Centre. The Race Team on the Committee Boat will record the positions of the leading boats at the time of the Finish Signal (even if the leading boat has already passed through the Committee Boat Line. After this second sound signal, all competitors shall continue to sail the course, without overtaking other competitors, and pass through the finish line set by the Committee Boat to enable to Race Committee to record finishing positions.
(v) During the finishing period, at the discretion of the Race Committee, the finish line may be moved back down the course in order to facilitate the recording of finish positions.
(vi) When the finishing positions of all boats have been recorded, 2 sound signals will be made from the RCC. At this time sailors are free to return to shore. Sailors returning to shore before this signal risk the non recording of their position.
(vii) Boats not complying with 16.2(iv) will be recorded as DNF.
17.4 Not Used
21.4 (a) When fewer than 3 races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores.
(b) When 3 or more races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores excluding the worst score.
21.6 Not Used
21.8 – 21.10 Not Used
Appendix 7
Sailing Instructions specific to Personal Handicap Pursuit races
A Pursuit Series is a series of pursuit races for boats with CN 940-1500.
7.1 The Schedule of Races will be published in the club calendar.
7.2 The scheduled time of the first start on Sundays is 13:00
7.3 Not Used
Class flags will not be used in pursuit racing
9.2 The marks to be rounded, the order of rounding and the time from the first start to the finish of the race will be displayed on the Race Information Board.
13.1 Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.
Time from starting signal | Signal on Race Control Centre or Race Committee Boat | |
Course displayed | At least 10 minutes | Intermittent sound signal (RCC) |
Prepare to race | -5 minutes | 5 sound signals (RCC) |
Warning Signal | -4 minutes | Red light + 1 sound signal (RCC) |
Preparatory Signal | -2 minutes | Red light + Yellow light + 1 sound signal (RCC) |
First Start | 0 | Green light + 1 sound signal (RCC) |
Subsequent Start | Interval as displayed on Race Information Board | 1 sound signal (RCB) |
This changes rule 26.
13.2 The starting time for each class of boat signed on to race in accordance with instruction 12 shall be displayed on the Race Information Board. The start times will be displayed as the interval between the first start and the particular start. These will have been calculated using Personal Handicaps generated from the previous series of racing, applied to the designated race time, with start times rounded to the nearest 15 seconds.
14.2 Not Used.
16.2 (i) The time from the first start to the race finish time will be displayed on the Race Information Board.
(ii) One minute before the Finish Time a long sound signal will be made from the RCC.
(iii) The finishing line will be set up as near as practical on, and at right angles to, a rhumb line between the marks bounding the leg on which the leading boat is sailing. It will be set up just ahead of the leading boat as near as is practical to the finish time. The leading boats should sail to pass through this Committee Boat line.
(iv) When the race time has elapsed, a second long sound signal will be made at the Race Control Centre. The Race Team on the Committee Boat will record the positions of the leading boats at the time of the Finish Signal (even if the leading boat has already passed through the Committee Boat Line. After this second sound signal, all competitors shall continue to sail the course, without overtaking other competitors, and pass through the finish line set by the Committee Boat to enable to Race Committee to record finishing positions.
(v) During the finishing period, at the discretion of the Race Committee, the finish line may be moved back down the course in order to facilitate the recording of finish positions.
(vi) When the finishing positions of all boats have been recorded, 2 sound signals will be made from the RCC. At this time sailors are free to return to shore. Sailors returning to shore before this signal risk the non recording of their position.
(vii) Boats not complying with 16.2(iv) will be recorded as DNF.
17.4 Not Used
21.4 (a) When fewer than 3 races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores.
(b) When 3 or more races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores excluding the worst scores equivalent to (½+1) of the races in the series, rounded down to the nearest whole number.
21.6 Not Used
21.8 The declared entry for a series will be 51.
21.9 Not Used
21.10 The Sailing Committee may, at its discretion, award points to a helmsperson for a race in which the helmsperson did not compete. Circumstances which would give rise to such an award include representing the Club at an external event, a sailing captain standing in for a Race Officer who is not available, etc. The points so awarded shall be the median score, upon completion of the series, of the races in which the helmsperson had been classed as a starter. The award of these points shall not alter the scores of a helmsperson who took part in such a race.
Appendix 8
Sailing Instructions specific to Windward / Leeward and Olympic Course races
A Windward / Leeward and Olympic race is a series of 3 handicap races for boats with CN 940-1500.
7.1 The Windward / Leeward or Olympic course events will take place on the dates published in the club calendar.
7.2 For the events the scheduled time of the first start for the first race is 13:00.
7.3 The time of the second race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the first race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre. The time of the third race will be advised by the Race Officer following completion of the second race by displaying the start time on the Race Information Board on the front of the Race Control Centre.
The class flag for the Handicap fleet will be flag F .
13.1 Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.
Time from
starting signal |
Signal on Race Control Centre | |
Course displayed | At least 10 minutes | Intermittent sound signal |
Prepare to race | -5 minutes | 5 sound signals |
Warning Signal | -4 minutes | Red light + 1 sound signal |
Preparatory Signal | -2 minutes | Red light + Yellow light + 1 sound signal |
Start | 0 | Green light + 1 sound signal |
Start for Flight 2 if required | +2 minutes | Red light + Green light + 1 sound signal |
This changes rule 26.
13.2 If, in the opinion of the Race Officer, it will be difficult to set a fair startline for the number of boats signed on the fleet may be separated into 2 flights. This decision will be entirely at the discretion of the Race Officer and will be communicated to competitors via a notice on the Race Information Board. If 2 flights are required, the fleet will be split as follows:
Flight 1 – Boats with CN 940-1115
Flight 2 – Boats with CN 1116-1500
13.4 Not Used
14.2 When at the starting signal the race committee is unable to identify boats that are on the course side of the starting line or to which rule 30 applies, or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the race committee may signal a general recall by displaying flag 1st Sub or two fixed white lights on the Race Committee Boat or the Race Control Centre if that is a starting mark, with two sound signals. Following a general recall for a flight, the recalled flight will start 2 minutes after the start of the last flight, or 2 minutes after the start of an earlier recalled flight. In the event of a general recall when the fleet has not been separated into flights under instruction 13.2 or on the last start for separate flight starts, the recalled flight will start 4 minutes after the recalled start. In this case there may be a preparatory sound signal 2 minutes prior to the new start.
16.2 (a) A dinghy which has been lapped during the race shall proceed to, and cross, the finish line as soon as the leading dinghy has finished. (A dinghy between the mark at which the Shorten Course Signal has been made for the Leading boat and the Finish, may wait for the leading boat to finish and then finish as a Lapped boat). In so doing the lapped dinghy shall pass each mark of the course in the order shown on the course board. The elapsed time of such dinghies will be adjusted by a factor of [(laps required to be sailed + 0.25) divided by (laps actually sailed + 0.25)].
(b) If the elapsed time so adjusted results in a lapped boat having a better corrected time than another boat with the same CN who was ahead of her on the water, the lapped boat’s time shall be adjusted by adding the [(elapsed time of the last boat in her class ahead on the water) divided by (laps sailed by the boat ahead + 0.25)] to the elapsed time of the lapped boat.
21.4 (a) When fewer than 3 races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores.
(b) When 3 or more races have been completed, a helmsperson’s series score will be the total of his/her race scores excluding the worst score.
21.6 Not Used.
21.8 – 21.10 Not Used
Course Options: Windward / Leeward Outer Trapeziod
Appendix 9
Sailing Instructions specific to Endurance race
A single endurance race on a handicap basis for teams sailing the same boat with CN 940-1500.
7.1 The Endurance event will take place on the dates published in the club calendar.
7.2 For the events the scheduled time of the first start for the first race is 10:00
7.3 The duration of the race will be 6 hours and finish at 16:00
The class flag for the Handicap fleet will be flag F .
13.1 Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.
Time from
starting signal |
Signal on Race Control Centre | |
Course displayed | At least 10 minutes | Intermittent sound signal |
Prepare to race | -5 minutes | 5 sound signals |
Warning Signal | -4 minutes | Red light + 1 sound signal |
Preparatory Signal | -2 minutes | Red light + Yellow light + 1 sound signal |
Start | 0 | Green light + 1 sound signal |
This changes rule 26.
13.2 Not Used
13.4 Not Used
14.2 When at the starting signal the race committee is unable to identify boats that are on the course side of the starting line or to which rule 30 applies, or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the race committee may signal a general recall by displaying flag 1st Sub or two fixed white lights on the Race Committee Boat or the Race Control Centre if that is a starting mark, with two sound signals. Following a general recall for a flight, the recalled flight will start 2 minutes after the start of the last flight, or 2 minutes after the start of an earlier recalled flight. In the event of a general recall when the fleet has not been separated into flights under instruction 13.2 or on the last start for separate flight starts, the recalled flight will start 4 minutes after the recalled start. In this case there may be a preparatory sound signal 2 minutes prior to the new start.
16.2 (a) Racing will be on a single race course and all boats will continue to sail for the duration of the race, completing laps of the course.
21.4 (a) Winner of the event will be the boat which has sailed the furthest distance based on PY scoring
(b) Additional prizes at the discretion of the sailing committee
21.6 Not Used.
21.8 – 21.10 Not Used
Code Flags